Twelfth Night

Shakespeare in the Park and Public Works presentation by the Public Theater
Directed by Oskar Eustis and Kwame Kwei-Armah
Choreography by Lorin Latarro
Music by Shaina Taub
Costume Design by Andrea Hood
Scenic Design by Rachel Hauck


This Twelfth Night sports a unified eclecticism in choreography, music, and design. Choreographer Lorin Latarro designs big, bold dance numbers that pull from broad references including Busby Berkeley, tap, dabbin, and moonwalking.

– Nicole Serratore, Variety

Lorin Latarro did the spirited, something-for-everyone choreography.

– Ben Brantley, The New York Times

Rachel Hauck’s multilevel scenery offers a gorgeous setting for Lorin Latarro’s feisty choreography.

– Zachary Stewart, Theatermania

…dancing and singing in a gloriously joyous and solid stepping ensemble choreographed with love and a smile by Lorin Latarro.

Times Square Chronicles


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